Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A side note

Thanks to everyone that has been following my blog so regularly. Your support is overwhelming and keeps me writing! Unfortunately, after the recent disasters that have stricken Japan, I am leaving Japan. I will be back to my normal scheduling of writing soon, but please be patient with me during this time and I promise to share all! My heart goes out to all that are affected by the enormous tragedy that has and is still continuing to hit Japan.


  1. Benjamin Akeala Belew

    Half Japanese Composer on Earthquake in Japan

    My (full)name is Sakaguchi Benjamin Akeala Belew.(坂口ベンジャミン明ベルー)
    I am a half Japanese, half-American composer and artist that resides in Indiana. After hearing the devastated news of the earth quake, flood, nuclear radiation etc. I created a video with my composition "Aria" to send hope to my home land and the people.

    Please take a look. And if you do, thank you for your time in doing so.
    Sakaguchi Benjamin Akeala Belew
