Monday, February 21, 2011

The Flatmate's arrival

Robin and I scarfed down our food and coffee and meandered home. Brenda was back at Robin's place and told us about the adventure they had at Nagoya castle. Robin and I had attempted to make our day sound more adventurous than it really was, but the hangover guilty stamp was plastered on our foreheads signed by laziness, which Brenda could see. I decided to have an early night and then when I awoke the next morning I should,  *crossed fingers* have a cool flatmate of my own to play with! It was Christmas all over again!

I rustled around in my bed and fell quickly asleep to be awoken in my deep sleep to DING DONG! 'Huh what's going on?' I woke up in confusion, not knowing where I was. Ah doorbell I thought..."Who the heck was it!?" Thoughts of paranoia kicked in about the Grinch stalker man staring at me through the peephole. I cautiously approached the door and heard a man and a woman's voice. I peered through and saw the man that had dropped me off a few days ago and a girl around my age. I opened the door groggily. "HELLO!" he cheerfully shouted at me. I rubbed my eyes and glared at him.
The glare I gave to
the Peppy man after
awaking my slumber.

I remember crystal clear from when he dropped me off the other day, his advice not to wait up for my flatmate and here he is ringing my doorbell to wake me up! Was he on crack?! His peppiness and forgetfulness equally pissed me off. I couldn't mask my sleepy grumpiness and snapped, "Don't you have a key?" "What time is it?" I added for dramatic effect, hoping his memory would trigger his previous words of wisdom he had offered me. He was taken aback and mumbled something about how he did, but thought I would have waited up for my flatmate. I looked at my new flatmate, immediately regretted my bitchiness to him, for her sake.  Her face went from happy and hopeful to a doomed realization of "Shit I'm stuck for two weeks with a bitch." I had just topped my previously held worst-impression-of-all- time. I attempted to snap out of it and offered to help her with her bags. The man, now frightened of me, pretty much pushed the girl in, slammed the door behind him and peeled off in his car. I wished I had that affect on the man from the other day!

The girl introduced herself shyly as Merran and insisted I go back to bed. I tried to apologize for being snappy, but what was done was done, and my horrible first impression was there to stay. I hobbled back to bed feeling worse, cursed the peppy man and hoped I could start anew the next day.

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